Administrative Law & Regulated Sectors

Alma LED with a dedicated team of lawyers provides all-round judicial and extra-judicial assistance and advice regarding administrative law and regulated sectors.

The lawyers provide support to public and private parties in the following sectors and subjects:


  • public tenders, with special focus on the infrastructure and transport sector, licensing, project finance and any form of PPP for both the bidders and the public bodies, in various sectors: public lighting, construction, transport, and general services;
  • for public tender and licensing awarding procedures, during pre-qualification, awarding, definition and stipulation of the contract;
  • during the execution of public contracts;
  • urban-planning and construction with particular reference to Urban Regeneration Plans and procedures for the approval and implementation of urban-planning agreements, zone plans and programme agreements;
  • state-controlled companies with particular reference to in-house companies, their establishment and awarded contracts from public shareholders; evaluation of public-law and authorisation matters in procedures for the acquisition, merger and disposal of companies, including state-owned companies;
  • public health;
  • expropriations and divestments in general;
  • landscape protection for cultural assets;
  • environmental law particularly regarding the disposal and recycling of waste, and connected plants;
  • in disputes in the Regional Administrative Courts (TAR), Council of State, the Court of Auditors and the European Court of Justice in the subjects and sectors stated above.

2. ENERGY (both ELECTRICITY – from conventional and renewable sources, and natural gas):

  • electricity and natural gas regulations (e.g. capacity market, incentives, dispatching, TPA for new gas infrastructure, Remit topics, etc);
  • permits (and generally relations with the PPAA and regulators);
  • sector contracts (FSA, PPAs including corporate/EFET, TOP contracts, tenders, trading);
  • development, authorisations, construction and access to any public incentives for renewable energy-powered generations plans, such as photovoltaic, wind and hydroelectric;
  • assistance with self-provisioning systems to ensure energy independence and flexibility for energy-consuming clients (e.g. PPAs, SSPC, energy community, etc);
  • disputes in ordinary, administrative, water and taxation courts.


Extra-judicial and dispute aid, before civil and administrative courts, for pharmaceutical (both human and veterinary) and medical device sector operators (also further to the recent entry into force of the European regulations that have revolutionised the sector). More specifically, the assistance provided concerns:

  • AIFA regulatory profiles (e.g. issues of national and EAM licences, pay-back mechanisms, price negotiation, transparency lists, parallel importation and medicine shortage profiles, etc), sector contract profiles (for wholesalers and for retail/CSO) and on IP (know-how) protection, also involving unfair competition;
  • venture capital and investments (seed, 1st round, 2nd round, etc.) in Italian and foreign start-ups and innovative SMEs, taking care of the legal and regulatory aspects of clinical trials, IP, licences, distribution, etc.
  • judicial assistance for hospitals and clinics, regarding non-issue/revoking of licences, accreditations, NHS reimbursements, etc.


Assistance for matters from environmental processes to waste, and M&A operations. More specifically, the assistance provided concerns:

  • assistance in environmental procedures (for both renewable and conventional energy, e.g. State Integrated Environmental Authorisation (AIA), Environmental Impact Evaluation (VIA), Single Regional Authorisation Order (PAUR), etc;
  • assistance for ad hoc issues (e.g. Reclamation from historical pollution);
  • M&A operations for treatment/recovery plants;
  • environmental law matters (e.g. environmental labelling, mandatory consortia, environmental risk management as part of tender contracts, etc).


Alessandra Quattrini

Alessandra Quattrini
Partner – Head of Public Law e Regulatory Industry

Clear Filters
Financial Law and Sustainable Finance
Financial Law and Sustainable Finance
Regulation of Banking & Financial Activities and FinTech
Regulation of Banking & Financial Activities and FinTech
Litigation and Arbitration
Litigation and Arbitration